KGS is global organisation with one clear goal - deliver the best quality network for senior executives in marketing for beauty Industry. Our events are covering strategies in consumer insights, marketing, ecommerce, digital and retailing, as well as innovation in product development, design, branding and packaging. Our conferences are developed through thorough research and a deep understanding of the critical concerns facing professionals, experts and leaders who have deep knowledge and practical experiences in their respective areas.
- annual innoCos conferences in Europe and USA, which will soon be expanding in other parts of the world,
- - the online platform for the cosmetics and personal care industry where our members can join weekly discussions on the newest trends and hottest topics, collaborate with others and get exclusive videos, webcasts and other presentations from live and virtual events,
- Beauty 2.0 - international Awards to honor the most ground-breaking beauty brands online.
We believe that events are not just about presentations, workshops and learning but they are about people, social interactions and sharing knowledge.
Our mission is to provide knowledge through interesting, relevant and inspiring content and facilitate social networks of industry peers.
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