5Pro Software

5Pro Software is a fast growing software company which specializes in mobile, desktop and web solutions. General office is situated in Germany and has a development office in Ukraine.
What we offer

Our team can offer you the custom software development as well as ready solution in the following directions:

-mobile software
-desktop applications
-web technologies

Our Partners

We are glad to announce the cooperation with our partners:

- Technological partnership with Rock-your-mobile! KG
- Cooperation with: ECT AG, T-Mobile, Mobchanics, MEF Entertainment, Mauj, VizTel, Motion Avenue.
- Through mediation of our above mentioned partners we have accomplished projects for: Nokia Germany, Swisscom AG, Jamba GmbH.

Contact us

We would be glad to hear from you if you have questions, suggestions or some queries. Please contact us .
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Оказание услуг: IT компании: разработка и сервис
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