Ресторан Маринад

The “Marinade” restaurant was set up by a French emigrant Charles Avignon in 1891 in Barcelona. At first the place was called “Le Marinade”, which emphasized its French origin and general orientation promoting French cuisine that was extremely fashionable among aristocrats and mediums of that time. It should be mentioned that Barcelona has been one of the most popular tourist centers since then. Interior of the restaurant was changed in 1900 on the Spanish architect Antonio Gaudi’s (1852-1925) advice, whose life and creative work are inseparably connected with Barcelona. At Gaudi’s insistence quite traditional European interior assumed elements unusual for such places of that time. The restaurant was decorated with bright colored mosaics, and classic interior of the second floor got changed out of all recognition. Beside that, restaurant’s cuisine had also changed a lot by 1900. Charles Avignon started experimenting in exotic for Europe of those days ways of cooking meat courses. That’s why courses cooked according to Moroccan, Indian, Russian and Caucasian recipes appeared in menu of the restaurant
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Сайт: marinad.ua
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Оказание услуг: Кафе и рестораны
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