“ZUNAMY” was founded on the base of PCF “INTEGRO” (www.casein.com.ua) and private enterprise “RUDER”. Our main specialization is timber industry. On the base of complete wood overworking and making individual exclusive things we opened the second production department, which resulted in producing and wholesale of lamella (bar).

The Quality Policy of “Zunamy” is based on company wide attention to detail. We demand rigid adherence to quality principally and this applies to our products, operation and personnel. Strong control ensure long term development and give us the opportunity to serve our customers in the best possible manner.

The dignity of the individual is the corner of our operation. High self esteem and belief in our own skills ensure a strong platform for our domestic and international operations. By concentrations on our own core abilities, we guarantee a level of quality, of which you and we can be proud.
Рейтинг компании:
Сайт: www.zunami.com.ua
Сфера деятельности:
Производители и поставщики: Лесная промышленность
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